In our recent blog posts, we’ve taught brand managers how to create content pillars and how to create great Instagram post captions, next we want to empower you to create curated graphics that make your content stand out on social media. 

Today’s consumers are inundated with branded content and getting them to interact with your posts has become increasingly important.  These tips will help you create a brand experience that starts on social and leads to long-term interactions.  Because let’s face it, likes and loves alone don’t generate sustainable revenue.

Use Color to Convey Emotions

Unlike most branding coaches, Nahamani doesn’t believe that sticking to a rigid color palette is the way to go for most brands.  Instead, she helps branding clients focus on communicating and evoking emotion through color and image choices.

Do you want your brand to be known as:

Source: UX Planet

  • Warm, soothing, subtle
  • Rich, bold, vibrant
  • Cool, crisp, refreshing
  • Invigorating, immediacy, ambitious
  • Strong, practical, responsible
  • Romantic, passionate, sultry

The possibilities are endless, and there is no one-size-fits-all.  A brand should consider using different color palettes for different purposes.  If you’re not quite sure which pallet to start with, it is recommended that you employ A/B testing.  Try recreating the same post with the only variant being color selection, run them independently, and review the post analytics to see which drove more followers to take the desired action.

Find the perfect location for your content creation

Location, Location, Location

During the pandemic, we were all forced to create content from our dwelling places.  Business closures and local restrictions kept us from creating content beyond our front porch.  Now that restrictions have been lifted, brand managers can and should consider creating batches of content at various venues in their respective hometowns. As a Cincinnati native, Nahamani Yisrael exemplifies this tactic at locations throughout Greater Cincinnati.

Here is a list of some of her favorite spots to create eye-catching content to help tell the brand’s story.

Repurpose Your Content Like A Pro

Recycling content is a great way to keep your various audiences intrigued, informed, and inspired.  Here are some simple tactics you can use to make the most out of a singular piece of content.

Reshare Short Format Videos – By now you know that Instagram/Facebook do not rank videos demonstrating the TikTok logo favorably. Thus it is important that you save the raw footage somewhere safe so that you can create a new Instagram and/or Facebook Reel from the same short video.  My team and I typically create Google Drive folders for each client’s social media accounts so we can easily retrieve them and repurpose video content.  The links to the video footage are shared in our project management system.  Other platforms like YouTube and Pinterest now accept short videos but the maximum length is currently 15 seconds so be sure to keep your message quick and concise.

Repurpose your best tweets as an instagram graphicTweets Make Great Post Graphics – Reusing a Tweet is another great way to get multiple chunks of content from one post.  Simply use your mobile phone to screenshot the tweet, and crop out all of the irrelevant information (such as your phone’s battery percentage, scroll bars, and buttons) preserving only the creator’s name, avatar, and the text portion of the tweet (in some case the accompanying graphic adds value or clarity to your new post).  Using graphic software like Canva, create an Instagram-sized background for your graphical screenshot (1080 by 1080 pixels) and upload your formatted screenshot graphic.  Resize your tweet so that it’s legible and appropriately balanced on the background image you created.

A Return On Your Investment

You’ve heard it said, it’s not what you say but how you say it.  The same rule of thumb goes for creating content.  Your content should serve as a gateway to your brand’s experience and how you deliver your brand’s content is a reflection of how that experience will be.  The time you dedicated to curating every interaction a potential customer has with your brand is well worth the investment.  If you want to increase brand awareness, get more conversions and improve your audience’s engagement then follow these simple steps.  

Need some help creating your brand’s content strategy?  Schedule a one-on-one consultation with Nahamani Yisrael today!