Creating an Engagement Plan for Giving Tuesday 2021

Giving Tuesday 2021 falls on Tuesday, November 30, 2021, and now is the perfect time to start building engagement with your target audience(s). Giving Tuesday began in 2012 with the simple notion of having a day focused on giving back. It always falls on the first Tuesday after Thanksgiving to help kick off the holiday season. Throughout the years, Giving Tuesday has increased in importance as a day of fundraising and raising awareness for nonprofits. Giving Tuesday is a day to spotlight all that your organization does to give back to your community and those in need, but even more importantly it is about making and growing connections with your audience and future stakeholders. Though Giving Tuesday is one day, it’s essential to start planning your engagement and marketing strategy now to start building brand awareness to make your nonprofit stand out. Not sure where to start? Check out our tips below on building engagement for Giving Tuesday.

Start talking about your mission and goals now

Don’t wait until Giving Tuesday to get your supporters and followers on social media interested – start now! Building engagement takes time, so start talking about how your organization is unique and how you plan to achieve your fundraising goals this year. You can even give teasers on social media leading up to Giving Tuesday to announce this year’s initiative to garner interest and support.

Highlight your employees, volunteers, and donors

People love to feel acknowledged and appreciated. Show your employees, volunteers, and donors how much they mean to you by featuring them in social media posts on Facebook or Instagram or by creating a postcard featuring real people who have given back to your organization. This helps demonstrate that your organization cares about both its workers and the individuals it is serving while also bringing both communities together. 

show support

Show people how to support & what their support does

Make sure to tell people how they can support you, whether it’s through donations, volunteering, or signing up for your newsletter, and then show them what their support does. If you’re asking for monetary donations, give specific examples about what the money will help fund. Images are also a great way to build emotional engagement and tell your story, so make sure you’re taking pictures of your organization’s impact throughout the year to show what you’ve done.

Make sure to respond to comments and questions on social media platforms and emails

This may seem simple, but getting involved in the conversation and responding to your audience goes a long way in building trust and engagement. Your audience wants to know there are real, caring people behind the words and images you post, and responding to comments and emails is a great way to prove this. 

social media

Overall, building engagement takes time but is essential when creating your Giving Tuesday marketing strategy. Not only is building engagement important for annual events, but throughout the year. If you need help creating a plan to grow your marketing and branding initiatives, schedule a consultation with to go over creating and maintaining your brand’s identity and social media plan.